Saturday, July 30, 2011

Plants Vs Zombies REVIEW

 I Pick'd Up A Couple Games For My DSi Today,And There Is One That Satnds Out For My New Favorite, Is Plants Vs Zombies.It May Be 2 Years Old,But The Fact Its Addicting And Great For All Age Groups.I Recommend It For Anyone And RTS Players Looking For A Fun Break From Any Hi-End RTS Game.
This Game Basically Takes On Your Front Lawn And Back-Yard,In Adventure Mode You Go Threw Waves Of Zombies Like COD,Strategically Placing Your Plants To Defend Your Back Door And Front. The 50 Levels Of Zombies Is Sure To Make Wanna Play More,I Also Like The Achievements There Sure To Drive To Beat Them All.
If You Want To Get Away The Chaos In Adventure Mode,Take A Trip To The Main Menu For The Four Of The Five Game Modes,They Include Vs(Multiplayer),Puzzle Mode,The 22 Mini Games And My Favorite Mode "Survival",I Dont Wanna Say To Much But I Found A DS Game That I Want For The Rest Of My Life LOL.
One More Feature The Game Offers Is Zombatar.Create Your Zombie Avatar,Nuff Said,No Really Its Just A Picture.So My Rating Is Going To Be A 10/10.In My Honest Opinion "PLAY IT"...O Play Vs Mode With Me Just Let Me Know.

Later People,

Great Day For A Blog

Hello World,

Today IS a Great Day,I'm Feeling The Heat And I'm Liking It Alot.Besides From Playing Online And Buying New Games.I Wanna Take The Time To Thank EVERYONE On The Internet For There Support,I May Be Unknown To Most,But Not You,My Sucribers,My Readers...I Wouldn't Be Doing This If I Felt Like Nothing,You All Open Me Up To A New World,An I Thank You For That,"O An I'm Thanking Those Who Send Me Hate Mail Aswell...In a Way Ur Supporting Me Aswell.

In My World Out Here,I'm A Nobody,A Misfit.But Being On The World Wide Web Has Resurrected Me To Who I Use To Be..."A Someone",I Might Not Be "The Guy" But I Am Myself.Dating Back To The Day I Started Blogger And Stuff,I Wouldn't Change A Thing About It.I'm Not Regretting Anyone,Living In This Internet-World Kinda Was Like Starting Over.The World Is A Crazy World And It Don't Get ANY Crazier Than Here On The Internet,So Once Again Thank You And I'm Out...

Later People.

Thursday, July 28, 2011


I'm Sorry For Getting My Frist Strike, I Apologize

Back And Tired.

Hello World,

I'm Back An Fully Up On The Inrternet,Took Awhile But I'm Here...But Right Now I'm Mad At Life At The Moment,I Just Dnt Get Why Some People Can Have a Grudge On Sumthing That Has Nothing To Do With Them,Maybe My Sister Aint Mad,Because She Dnt Let Anything Bother Her,Its Her Girlfriend Whos Mad And Letting Us Know That Shes Upset,I Hope At The End Of The Day This Can Be Resolved And Droped.My Head Is Telling Me There Not Because People In My Family Can Hold Grudges Until They Die,And I Hope Thats Not The Case Because Everything Feels Normal Until Yesterday,Maybe It Blow Over Soon.

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