Sunday, December 25, 2011

One Step At A Time

  Hello People,

  For the most part I've been writing and trying to get a job.I think i've been holding back thou...Something blocks me from writing anything down,Organizing and putting everthing in there place.I have my days where i can't think or even talk about the next page of the story.The stories of many have appear only as images in stroyboard in my head...I've yet to figure some of them out,Alot of my new ideas include gangsters and bugs.I work on short stories almost everyday to increase my story telling.I found some old stories from my school days,They are alot of what is inspiring me.
  The more and more i think about bugs,the more i want to write about them.Each bug has created there own system of being a loner or working as a unit.The ants and civil insects attract to me more then the rebel "I'm by myself person".I love picturing them as greeks and or anything in ancient/prehistoric times.I'm working on something modern for them aswell.I talk about more of this in the mean time.
  I've yet to determined what i wanted to do as far a book about gangsters,Some which will be based on events from my experience.Ofcourse with different names and backgorunds,Just characters based on people i mostly think of asfar as thinking of good strong-hearted individuals.More on these subjects later.

Thank You For Your Time,

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