Monday, October 26, 2009

A Little Too Much CrazIness

In a Recent Video Me And Steven Swat At A Bee.I Know That Don't Sound As Cool,But I Swear There's Something Odd About That, But First Of All I Lost My Voice Cause I Keep'd Talking Like Howlin Wolf And Doing Other Weird Voice Inpressions And Now I Can't Speak And My Throat Is Swollen, Everyone Keep'd Telling Me To Stop, But I Didn't And I Lost My Voice. And Now If You Seen The "Morning Cigarette And Killer Bee's" Video, I Think That Bee That We Was In The Video Follow Me And Shitface... There Was A Time Where We Were Just Messing Around Playing Football In The Street And All Of A Sudden I'm Stung By A Mother Fucking Bee, And Now My Throat Is All Fuck'd Up. And Now I Think About Is That Fucking Bee, All Well I Have To Wait It Out And See What's Gonna Happen In The Future, "I Hope My Voice Don't Stay Like This Forever, Or It Might Make Things Alot More Interesting... Here's The Link To The Video If You Would Like To See It, Later And Thanks For Reading


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