Monday, November 16, 2009

Improve Your PK

I'm Always Up For Trying Out Things That Most Of This World Don't Believe In. Like In This Case It's Telekinesis, I Practice It Just To See If One Day I Could Do It, If I Develope It To The Point Were I Should, But Properly Wont Tell Anybody, It Will Make Fun Alot More Funner, I Don't Know We'll See Maybe I Even Be A Supervillain, Yep! Not A Hero, A Villain, But Anyway This Post Will Give Steps I Found And Have Been Following  For Quite Some Time Now: Here You Go

Spirit Online offers this seven-step method of improving your PK:
  • Meditate Daily For Half An Hour, 15 Minutes If Your Schedule Is Too Busy.
  • Attempt PK At Least Once A Day, Twice If Possible. Give Yourself A Good 30-60 Minutes To Try It.
  • Focus On One Method For Atleast A Week; If It Shows You No Results; Switch Methods.
  • Be At Ease; Instead Of Taking It Too Seriously, Think Of It As An Experiment; If You Try To Hard You'll Just End Up Frustrating Yourself And You'll Get Nowhere.
  • Don't Give Up.
  • Don't Tell Yourself You Can't Do It, Because You Can.

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