Saturday, November 21, 2009

UFC 106 Prelims Fights (Recap)

First Match Of The Evening Feature Kendell "The Spider" Grove Vs. Jake Rosholt, Rosholt Was The Guy That Destroy Leben And Was Pretty Sure Of Him Self Destroy Grove.Grove Snap His Losing Streak By Beating Even Tanner And Jason Dent,Both Outstanding Fighters But The Bout Went Down Like This:
  • Fight Starts Off Standing An Studying Eachother, Rosholt At 4:25 Surprisingly Picks Up Grove For A Nice Body Slam, Grove Defends Nicely
  • After Grove Defending Himself From His Guard, Both Standed Up For A Exchange And Being Conservative For Some More Of The Match
  • 2:20 Kendell Shoots Off A Flying Knee To Rosholt Catching Him Chest,Partly His Jaw,
  • Rosholt Takes Down Grove Again, But Kendell Showing Great Recovery Form His Half-Guard And Sumits Jake With A Triangle Choke Before The First Round Could Finish.
(After The Fight Kendell Deicated His Win To His Grandma Who Lose Her Fight With Cancer)

The Next Fight Feature Jason Dent Vs. George Sotiropoulos,George Is Undefeated Right Now In The Octogon,But Takes On A Great Jason Dent Who Is A Well Rounded Fighter.During The Fight George Show Better Striking Then Just Going For The Takedown,At Times Dent Was Great At Coming Back With Great Technique With Counters And Beating Sotiropoulos To The Punch, His SOme Great Moments From This Bout.
  • From The Start Sotiropoulos Came Out Striking And Landed And Landed On Top Of That. Showing That His Standing Game Has Improved.
  • After Catching Some Hits,Dent Answered Back With Two Great 3 Punch Combos.
  • Later In The Same Round Both Starting To Exchange With Eachother,Both Landing And Both Still On There Feet.
  • At 2:23 Left George Charges Dent And Gets Him Against The Cage,George Immediately Takes Down And Strikes Dent With One Good Punch To The Face,Sotiropoulos Then Mounted Dent Were George Was On Top Looking For The Knockout,Dent In His Guard Kept Him Alive To Still Fight
  • Near The End Of The 1st Round Dent Started To Eat Alot Of Punches,But Showed Great Charisma To Stay Ailive Till The End Of The Round,At That Same Time George Got Some Freebies Striking Dent In The Back Of His Head.The Round Ends.
  • In The Start Of The Second Round Sotiropoulos Started Repeating What He Did In The First Round Not Going For The Takedown But Showed Great Striking Improvment.Catching Dent A Few Good Times
  • Not So Long After That,Dent Starts To Counter And Anticipate George's Jab And Uppercut,He Gets Some Nice Shots In Making Sotiropoulos Look For Openings Instead Of Exploding On Dent.
  • 3:34 Both Fighters End-Up In The Clinch,Exchanging And Swinging Eachother Around,Sotiropoulos Gets Tired Of It And Lands A Great Leg Sweep Pushing Dent Into His Guard Again Like The In The First Round,Sotiropoulos On Top Of Dent.Dent Was Defending Himself Good,But George Prove His Ground Game Is Better.
  • 2:00 Minutes Near The End Of The Round,Dent Still On His Back Defending Well Againest Sotiropoulos Ground And Pound.Dent Still Getting Crushed With Hammer Fists And Straight Punches.
  • :30 Seconds Left In The Second Round, Dent Still In His Guard Moving Around With George Still On Top Of Him Dent Trying To Break Out And Stand-Up Or Just Hold On Till The End,His Mis-steps Helps Sotiropoulos Get Dent Into A Arm Crush Position,Dent Trying So Hard To Get Out Of His Guard,I Guess He Tired Himself Out Of It Helping Sotiropoulos Get Him Into A Arm Bar And Force Him To Tap Winning The Match In The Second Round.
Our Next Fight Recap Brought A Crazy Macth-Up Between Marcus "The Irish Hand Gernade" Davis Vs. Ben Saunders,Marcus Said Before The Fight He Tends To Run And Stop Him From Using His Deadly Long Arms,Saunders Said All He Wants To Do His Knock Him Out Ealry, The Bout Went Down Like This:
  • Saunders Starts The Fight By Throwing A Crazy Flying Knee That Missed,Davis Reacting On It Forcing The Clinch To Where Both Fighters Were Exchanging Fists.
  • During The Clinch Suanders Caught Davis With Some Vicious Uppercuts Forcing Davis To Back-Up
  • Davis Trying To Get Back In The Clinch Catches Deadly Strikes To The Face Keeping Him Back'd Up For Alittle Bit.
  • 2:34 Left In The Round Davis Charges Saunders Back Into The Clinch,Swinging An Landing Some Good Punches.
  • Still In The Clinch After Eating Some Punches From Davis,Saunders Has Great Knee Striking Anb Proof It,He Kept Striking With His Knees And Landing,He Still Striking With The Knees,Hits Davis In The Mid-section And Catches Davis Again In The Jaw,Davis Recovered But Saunders Was Already Throwing Another Knee An Surprisingly Knocking Out Marcus Davis.
(Ben Saunders Becomes The First Man To Knockout Marcus Davis. "Davis Kept Forcing The Clinch To Stop Him From Using His Arms,But Couldn't Don't Nothing To Stop The Knees From Flying")

The Final Prelim Match-Up Feature Brock Larson Vs. Brain Foster, The Final Fight Before The Big Show,Here's How This Fight Turned Out:
  • The Match Starts And Both Just Start Exchanging,Both Going For The Knockout Right Away.
  • 3:43 Left To Go, Both Fighters Just Looking For Openings And Being Conservative,Then Foster Gets A Takedown Slaming Larson,Larson Looking Defending And Tried To Mount Foster,Foster Breaks Out Of That And Starts To Pound To The Crap Outta Him,After A Little Time Gone By Foster Keeps Larson On The Ground And Pounds On Him Some More.
  • 1:43 Left In The First Round,After Keeping Larson On The Ground,Foster Standing Still Striking From His Feet,Then Tries To A Crazy Haymaker And Jumps On Top Of Larson,They Seperate And The Ref Calls Time Cause Larson To Get Some Space And Get Up Kicks Foster Dead In His Face,It's Call A Poke But Looking At The Replay It Still Illegal To Strike A Man When His Hands Are The Mat,A Point Is Deducted And Then They Continue The Bout.
  • 30 Seconds To Go,Larson Gets A Hold Of Foster And Tries To Summit With A Standing Guillotine.
  • 10 Seconds To Go,Foster Places His Hands On The Mat Trying To Escape,Larson Starts Kneeing Foster In The Head,The Ref Calls Time Again For The Illegal Knees And Deducts Another Point,The Round Ends
  • The Second Round Show Great Striking From Both Fighter,And Both Being Conservative To Anticipate Eachothers Movement.
  • 2:35 Left To Go, Larson Catches A Spinning Kick From Foster And Almost Caught Another Hit From A Spinning Back Fist,Foster Got Him To The Ground ,Mounted Him And Beat Him Up Pretty Good,Somehow Larson Work Out Of It And Both Fighters Stand Up And Exchange.
  • 1:50 Left In The Second Round,Larson Catches A Nasty Uppercut Goes Down And Starts To Get Pounded On And Larson Knows Hes Done And Starts To Tap, But At That Same Time The Refs Running To Stop It,TKO Victory Goes To Brain Foster

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