Monday, August 15, 2011

Lost In The Sauce

This allnighter has help catch up with the happening's around the internet and sites i'm mostly on.The drama is still there,the tension between some youtubers are still there.I have realize my channel views hasn't been the same lately,there are some major life issues im working on at the moment.
Why me...I Start to get back on my feet and something or "someone" has to tear me down.I get in motion and fix everything an have everything in order,But then something in my personal life needs tending too.I found a old camera for videos...but someone has reformated the computer,So my video editing program is gone.I swear i think have the time that a stronger force of somekind is making my life challenging.
This week goes by pretty fast when im not paying attention,Mostly everyone i know is picking back up there life and Moving forward for there kids,Family,Friends,And all i want is the chance to fix my life an have it stay normal,Fuck everyone i went to school with.they know who they are,I'm not talking about anyone i've befriended,cause they life is posting on the web,and i seem to be doing better then most of them...HA

Later People,

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