Sunday, August 14, 2011


Hello World,

Seem to hit a roadblock in my life,So i apopoglize for staying up with news about posting and whatnot,The sooner i start getting my life back on track, I can try to fine time for the internet.I think its wierd how some people wanna try and show some character towards you,when in the frist place they never have thoughout my life.I dont know how to make people realize im just not ready to grow up..."Fully",I'm kinda there but not yet,
In other news the job hunting has been going great,I look foward to seeing you all more ofthen on blogtv,I have also pick'D up Deadrising 2.The Has got playing it over and addicting to smashing Zombies heads allnight.My new karts under Mister_MisJif are now for upload to the PSnetwork,
This is For any gamers that want to be seen,but have to the time no-one picks your clips for black ops,Modnation And Others Games in The Future,
  • Top 5 Muti-Kills
  • Modnation Clips Of The Week
  • Modnation Pic Of The Week
  • Deadrising Combo Kill Of The Week
  • More To Be Heard

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