Thursday, December 31, 2009



Tuesday, November 24, 2009

New Update On My Youtube

Gonna Start Getting Back Into The Swing Of Everything.I'm Going Too Post Alot Of Videos And Keeping Up To Date Everything,

Older Videos

Collabs I'm In

Subscriber Shoutout

Saturday, November 21, 2009

UFC 106 Prelims Fights (Recap)

First Match Of The Evening Feature Kendell "The Spider" Grove Vs. Jake Rosholt, Rosholt Was The Guy That Destroy Leben And Was Pretty Sure Of Him Self Destroy Grove.Grove Snap His Losing Streak By Beating Even Tanner And Jason Dent,Both Outstanding Fighters But The Bout Went Down Like This:
  • Fight Starts Off Standing An Studying Eachother, Rosholt At 4:25 Surprisingly Picks Up Grove For A Nice Body Slam, Grove Defends Nicely
  • After Grove Defending Himself From His Guard, Both Standed Up For A Exchange And Being Conservative For Some More Of The Match
  • 2:20 Kendell Shoots Off A Flying Knee To Rosholt Catching Him Chest,Partly His Jaw,
  • Rosholt Takes Down Grove Again, But Kendell Showing Great Recovery Form His Half-Guard And Sumits Jake With A Triangle Choke Before The First Round Could Finish.
(After The Fight Kendell Deicated His Win To His Grandma Who Lose Her Fight With Cancer)

The Next Fight Feature Jason Dent Vs. George Sotiropoulos,George Is Undefeated Right Now In The Octogon,But Takes On A Great Jason Dent Who Is A Well Rounded Fighter.During The Fight George Show Better Striking Then Just Going For The Takedown,At Times Dent Was Great At Coming Back With Great Technique With Counters And Beating Sotiropoulos To The Punch, His SOme Great Moments From This Bout.
  • From The Start Sotiropoulos Came Out Striking And Landed And Landed On Top Of That. Showing That His Standing Game Has Improved.
  • After Catching Some Hits,Dent Answered Back With Two Great 3 Punch Combos.
  • Later In The Same Round Both Starting To Exchange With Eachother,Both Landing And Both Still On There Feet.
  • At 2:23 Left George Charges Dent And Gets Him Against The Cage,George Immediately Takes Down And Strikes Dent With One Good Punch To The Face,Sotiropoulos Then Mounted Dent Were George Was On Top Looking For The Knockout,Dent In His Guard Kept Him Alive To Still Fight
  • Near The End Of The 1st Round Dent Started To Eat Alot Of Punches,But Showed Great Charisma To Stay Ailive Till The End Of The Round,At That Same Time George Got Some Freebies Striking Dent In The Back Of His Head.The Round Ends.
  • In The Start Of The Second Round Sotiropoulos Started Repeating What He Did In The First Round Not Going For The Takedown But Showed Great Striking Improvment.Catching Dent A Few Good Times
  • Not So Long After That,Dent Starts To Counter And Anticipate George's Jab And Uppercut,He Gets Some Nice Shots In Making Sotiropoulos Look For Openings Instead Of Exploding On Dent.
  • 3:34 Both Fighters End-Up In The Clinch,Exchanging And Swinging Eachother Around,Sotiropoulos Gets Tired Of It And Lands A Great Leg Sweep Pushing Dent Into His Guard Again Like The In The First Round,Sotiropoulos On Top Of Dent.Dent Was Defending Himself Good,But George Prove His Ground Game Is Better.
  • 2:00 Minutes Near The End Of The Round,Dent Still On His Back Defending Well Againest Sotiropoulos Ground And Pound.Dent Still Getting Crushed With Hammer Fists And Straight Punches.
  • :30 Seconds Left In The Second Round, Dent Still In His Guard Moving Around With George Still On Top Of Him Dent Trying To Break Out And Stand-Up Or Just Hold On Till The End,His Mis-steps Helps Sotiropoulos Get Dent Into A Arm Crush Position,Dent Trying So Hard To Get Out Of His Guard,I Guess He Tired Himself Out Of It Helping Sotiropoulos Get Him Into A Arm Bar And Force Him To Tap Winning The Match In The Second Round.
Our Next Fight Recap Brought A Crazy Macth-Up Between Marcus "The Irish Hand Gernade" Davis Vs. Ben Saunders,Marcus Said Before The Fight He Tends To Run And Stop Him From Using His Deadly Long Arms,Saunders Said All He Wants To Do His Knock Him Out Ealry, The Bout Went Down Like This:
  • Saunders Starts The Fight By Throwing A Crazy Flying Knee That Missed,Davis Reacting On It Forcing The Clinch To Where Both Fighters Were Exchanging Fists.
  • During The Clinch Suanders Caught Davis With Some Vicious Uppercuts Forcing Davis To Back-Up
  • Davis Trying To Get Back In The Clinch Catches Deadly Strikes To The Face Keeping Him Back'd Up For Alittle Bit.
  • 2:34 Left In The Round Davis Charges Saunders Back Into The Clinch,Swinging An Landing Some Good Punches.
  • Still In The Clinch After Eating Some Punches From Davis,Saunders Has Great Knee Striking Anb Proof It,He Kept Striking With His Knees And Landing,He Still Striking With The Knees,Hits Davis In The Mid-section And Catches Davis Again In The Jaw,Davis Recovered But Saunders Was Already Throwing Another Knee An Surprisingly Knocking Out Marcus Davis.
(Ben Saunders Becomes The First Man To Knockout Marcus Davis. "Davis Kept Forcing The Clinch To Stop Him From Using His Arms,But Couldn't Don't Nothing To Stop The Knees From Flying")

The Final Prelim Match-Up Feature Brock Larson Vs. Brain Foster, The Final Fight Before The Big Show,Here's How This Fight Turned Out:
  • The Match Starts And Both Just Start Exchanging,Both Going For The Knockout Right Away.
  • 3:43 Left To Go, Both Fighters Just Looking For Openings And Being Conservative,Then Foster Gets A Takedown Slaming Larson,Larson Looking Defending And Tried To Mount Foster,Foster Breaks Out Of That And Starts To Pound To The Crap Outta Him,After A Little Time Gone By Foster Keeps Larson On The Ground And Pounds On Him Some More.
  • 1:43 Left In The First Round,After Keeping Larson On The Ground,Foster Standing Still Striking From His Feet,Then Tries To A Crazy Haymaker And Jumps On Top Of Larson,They Seperate And The Ref Calls Time Cause Larson To Get Some Space And Get Up Kicks Foster Dead In His Face,It's Call A Poke But Looking At The Replay It Still Illegal To Strike A Man When His Hands Are The Mat,A Point Is Deducted And Then They Continue The Bout.
  • 30 Seconds To Go,Larson Gets A Hold Of Foster And Tries To Summit With A Standing Guillotine.
  • 10 Seconds To Go,Foster Places His Hands On The Mat Trying To Escape,Larson Starts Kneeing Foster In The Head,The Ref Calls Time Again For The Illegal Knees And Deducts Another Point,The Round Ends
  • The Second Round Show Great Striking From Both Fighter,And Both Being Conservative To Anticipate Eachothers Movement.
  • 2:35 Left To Go, Larson Catches A Spinning Kick From Foster And Almost Caught Another Hit From A Spinning Back Fist,Foster Got Him To The Ground ,Mounted Him And Beat Him Up Pretty Good,Somehow Larson Work Out Of It And Both Fighters Stand Up And Exchange.
  • 1:50 Left In The Second Round,Larson Catches A Nasty Uppercut Goes Down And Starts To Get Pounded On And Larson Knows Hes Done And Starts To Tap, But At That Same Time The Refs Running To Stop It,TKO Victory Goes To Brain Foster

Friday, November 20, 2009

Blind Lemon Jefferson - Rabbit Foot Blues

Blues jumped a rabbit, run him one solid mile
Blues jumped a rabbit, run him one solid mile
That rabbit set down, cried like a natural child

Well it seem like youre hungry, honey come and lunch with me
Seem like youre hungry, honey come and lunch with me
Im gonna stop these nice-lookin women from worryin me

I have Uneeda biscuits gal and a half a pint o gin
Some Uneeda biscuits gal and a half a pint o gin
The gin is mighty fine but them biscuits are a little too thin

Baby tell me something bout the meatless and wheatless days
I wanna know about the meatless and wheatless days
This not being my home, I dont think I could stay

Guitar break

That dried corn flour, indeed I declare it was strong
Well that dried corn flour, indeed I declare it was strong
People feedin me cornbread, I just cant stick around long

Got an airplane, baby, now were gonna get us a submarine
An airplane, now were gonna get us a submarine
Gonna get that Kaiser and well be seldom seen

Mmmm-mmm, hitch me to your buggy, mama, drive me like a mule
Hitch me to your buggy and drive me like a mule
The reason Im goin home with you sugar, I aint much hard to be fooled

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Crazy MW2 Kid

Why Only After 17 Hours Of Playing The Game, Did You Start Hating The Game, After The First Hour You Should Of Realize That You Hate It...Well Whatever You Almost Broke Your Hands, Atleast You Let You It All Out LOL.

Lost At Sea Book (First ToonDoo Book)

This Site Is Fun, Creation Of The Toons Is So Quick And Easy,Plus The Feature Book Maker...I Create A Ton Of These Sometimes When I Come Up With My Own Corny Jokes LOL.I'm Still Getting Used To These, Theres Some Crazy Shit In The Toondoo Maker,It's Got Guns And Blood Effects, And Boobs... Well Thats A Lie But's Its Allright,Something To Kill Some Time.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

I'm Having Alittle Trouble

I Got The AVS Editer 4, The Features Is Great And Everything But, It's Just When I Try To Publish A Video It Take Like 2GB Of Memory, I Have No-Idea What The Hell I'm Doing Wrong,All I'm Asking Is If You Know Anything That I'm Doing Wrong Please Tell Me,How Do I Make The Video Take 81MB Of Less Like The Windows Movie Maker Does When I Publish Videos,I Want To Stop Using The Windows Movie Maker,I'm Not Saying Its Bad Its Just That If I'm Paying Monthy For This AVS Software,I Need Some Help On How To Use It,Cause Youtube Won't Upload A Video File That Is 2GB(Gigabytes)...Please Help Me Or I'll Be Paying Money For Something I DOn't Know How To Use.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

New Video Ideas

I've Been Working On Scripts For Some New Videos For My Youtube Channel, Its Came To Me After I Made The Death By A Cigarette Video,Not To Sound Like A Weirdo But I Sometimes Do Talk To Myself,Just To Get Ideas & Stuff Out Before Writers Block Kicks In.These Videos Will Include Some Of My Friends And Some Friends From Youtube.In These Vids Will Include Numerous Situation Of My Life That I Tend To Start Talking To Myself,I Always Wanted To Do A Parody Of My Life,I've Been Working On A Bunch Of Ideas And Random Situations To Do,Made Up Alot Of Different Personalities To Show Up In The Vidz,I'm Not Going To Die From The Made Up Me's In The Video,Ok I Might..., Well See I Guess.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Modnation Racers Update

Check It Out

Think Of The Odds

Frankenstein Vs. Caveman

Will The Car Insurance Help Or The Creation Of A Mad Man Prevail.

Left 4 Dead 2

Improve Your PK

I'm Always Up For Trying Out Things That Most Of This World Don't Believe In. Like In This Case It's Telekinesis, I Practice It Just To See If One Day I Could Do It, If I Develope It To The Point Were I Should, But Properly Wont Tell Anybody, It Will Make Fun Alot More Funner, I Don't Know We'll See Maybe I Even Be A Supervillain, Yep! Not A Hero, A Villain, But Anyway This Post Will Give Steps I Found And Have Been Following  For Quite Some Time Now: Here You Go

Spirit Online offers this seven-step method of improving your PK:
  • Meditate Daily For Half An Hour, 15 Minutes If Your Schedule Is Too Busy.
  • Attempt PK At Least Once A Day, Twice If Possible. Give Yourself A Good 30-60 Minutes To Try It.
  • Focus On One Method For Atleast A Week; If It Shows You No Results; Switch Methods.
  • Be At Ease; Instead Of Taking It Too Seriously, Think Of It As An Experiment; If You Try To Hard You'll Just End Up Frustrating Yourself And You'll Get Nowhere.
  • Don't Give Up.
  • Don't Tell Yourself You Can't Do It, Because You Can.

Smokers Smokeout

The Other Day I Smoking My Last Cigarette Outta My Pack When This Guy Rolled Up And Ask Me For It, I Said Fuck No For A Reason...I Ask Him For A Cigarette Awhile Back Waiting At The Bus Stop With Him,And I Offer To Pay For One And He Still Said No. It Felt Like Revenge At First Until I Realize He Properly Don't Even Remember Me From That Day... So I Said To Myself Fuck It And Opened My Other Pack And Gave Him Two, And You Wouldn't Believe This  He Look At Me, Took The Smokes And Just Walked Away, I'm Standing There Like This Motherfucker Did Not Just Play Me For Me Two Cigs. I'm A Smoker, I Don't Like To Give My Addiction Sticks To Just Anyone But I Look Out For Other Smokers, Because In The Long Run Were All Asking For One Once In Awhile, But Hey Fuck It And Fuck Him, Maybe Someday I'll See Him Again At The Same Busstop, Wearing The Same Flashy Suit With That Same I'm A Business Man Attitude. Not Gonna Lie Me And My Cousin Were Gonna Robbed Him The First Time We Saw Him, Cause He Play My Cousin The Same Fucking Way, This Guy Better Stop Being A Cheep Fuck And Buy A Car And Carton Of Smokes, Cause The Next Time He Does That Shit To Some one Else, They Might Not Be As Humble And Understanding Like Me...

Artist Shoutout #3

West Coastin @ CheersThis Artist Right Here Goes By Trek Life, California Based Rapper Who Has A Great Thing Going On At The Moment He Has Multiple Albums Out, Mixtapes, Was A Featured Artist His Song "I Am" Is A Hot Ass Track, I Feel Artists Like Me Should Give Out Props To Those You Want It Or Need It, Or Those That I Felt Deserve It, Thats Why I Started These Artist Shoutouts... Never Will I Bash Another Artist Unless I'm Dissed By Them, Other Then That This Is Just Showing Luv To Underground Circuit And MC's In It,

TrekLife Myspace Page:

Artist Shoutout #2

I Discover This Group Awhile Back...Check Them Out, Sick Flow, Sick Beats, I Had To Give Them Some Press And Promotion

Artist Shoutout #1

Anthony Shyheim Washington, born june 25 1985, Beaufort, South Carolina but raised in Brooklyn. Fresh off of the corners of Brooklyn home of Notorious Big, Jay-z, Shyne, Mos Def, Talib Kweil emerges the “Voice Of The Streets” Cash NY. Just like the title of one of his many songs blazing the streets and mixtapes Cash NY has already recorded collaborations with Hell Rell, Nyce of Mobb Deep's Infamous Record's, Real Talk Tv Dvd's Ceo Arlis Michaels While Working With Producers Such As GM Productions, Street Runner, Info, Knoxville, Pro-V, Sid Roams and many more. Together with Reese & Shadow Company Artist "Young Avatar" signing Cash NY and Young Avatar as protege and premier featured artist. “Cash NY has the talent of some of the greatest hip hop artist but he still continue's to think outside the box and stay in a Class all by himself” – Resse Cash NY has released his first project “Money To Burn” hosted by 413's very own, DJ Chaplin, moving over 3000 copies locally in 1 month. His Up & Coming Project “Allow Me To Introduce Myself: I Am NY“ showcases an array of styles in a signature that is definitely reminiscent of What New York Should And Use Yo Be, while intermingling his own sound, bringing his insight from the streets of NYC (BROOKLYN). Along with several mixtape appearances from DJ’s such as DJ Hitz, Dj WhiteOwl, DJ Dj Kool Kid, Dj Lust, Dj Mello, Dj Kool Kev, Street Sweepers Own Dj Scope and Dj OnPoint, Wiz Hoffa's Unsigned Hype Series "I'm Dat Dude". Cash NY has also Made several Song appearances with Sirius Satellite Radio Shade 45 And 66 Raw With DJ Furious Styles just to give you a idea few. With His Up & Coming Mixtape Being One Of A Kind Featuring All Orginal Songs And Beats From The Best Producers And Spittin Along Side HipHop's Elite Cash NY Is Sure To Be Hip Hop's Next Best Thing.

Download Link For Mixtape:

Re: Modnation Racers Release Date

Get the Countdown Creator Pro widget and many other great free widgets at Widgetbox! Not seeing a widget? (More info)
I Wanted Too Post The Date For The European Release Other Then The USA Date.When I Found Out For Other Coutries I Will Post It

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Modnation Racers Release Date

Get the Countdown Creator Pro widget and many other great free widgets at Widgetbox! Not seeing a widget? (More info)
I Was Raoming The Internet For More Info On Modnation Racers. Found Out On The Release Date And Was Alittle Mad About It At First But I Figure There Adding Alot More So I'll Just Wait For It,But This Update Brings The Best News Of The Day,Well Atleast To Me. The Release Date Was Change From Thursday April,01,2010 To Tuesday February,02,2010...Can't Wait To Race Create And Share

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Grown-Up Talk

There Are A Bunch Of Reasons Why This Video Would Piss Off Alot Of People, I Don't Understand Why Some Assholes Get Mad At These Kind Of Videos...I Know Were Not The Only People In The World That Curse Around Are Family Members, Even If Those Family Members Are Alittle Too Young To Be Hearing Us Curse The Heavens And Talk About The Girls We Drive By,But Were Only Human And He's Gonna Talk About Girls When He's Older,This Video Will Be On My Channel Soon...But I Did The Addiction Video And Nothing Happen,My Final Conclusion Is That Life Is Too Short To Care About The Little Things That Make Us Mad.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Modnation Racers

Ever Since I Seen E3 Showing All The New Upcoming Games For 2010,I Noticed The Racing Game They Announced Surprised Me,As Soon As I Seen The First Part Of There Stage Demo Where The Creator Said You Make Everything Yourself, The Drivers, Cars, And Tracks. At First I Was Thinking About "Little Big Planet" And How That Game Was Such A Big Hit, I Can't Wait To Hear The Day It Comes Out In Stores Cause I've Been Putting Money To Side To Buy This Soon As It Hits Stores, My Friend Bought The New Little Big Planet To Get The Code For The Beta, And I'm Not Going To Say Much But It's Worth The Wait,If They Can Make It More Perfect Then What I Think It Already Is, There's No Telling How Long I'am Gonna To Play This Game, I Already Play Alot Of Online Games...This Will Add On To My Fun. Modnation Combines Mario Kart Or Any Of Your Favorite Go-Kart Racing Titles With Your Ideas For Everything In The Game With Killer Weapons To Smash Your Opponent, With Endless Possibilities I Got To Give Game A 10/10 I Just Can't Wait To Play This Game And Hopefully Catch Some You Online Racing On My Tracks And Playing Yours...O And I Don't Know If Anyone Else Is, But I'm Downloading Monkey Butler Created By The Maker Of The Game,I Will Post Another Blog After I Buy It,And That's That...See You On Race Day.

Monday, October 26, 2009

A Little Too Much CrazIness

In a Recent Video Me And Steven Swat At A Bee.I Know That Don't Sound As Cool,But I Swear There's Something Odd About That, But First Of All I Lost My Voice Cause I Keep'd Talking Like Howlin Wolf And Doing Other Weird Voice Inpressions And Now I Can't Speak And My Throat Is Swollen, Everyone Keep'd Telling Me To Stop, But I Didn't And I Lost My Voice. And Now If You Seen The "Morning Cigarette And Killer Bee's" Video, I Think That Bee That We Was In The Video Follow Me And Shitface... There Was A Time Where We Were Just Messing Around Playing Football In The Street And All Of A Sudden I'm Stung By A Mother Fucking Bee, And Now My Throat Is All Fuck'd Up. And Now I Think About Is That Fucking Bee, All Well I Have To Wait It Out And See What's Gonna Happen In The Future, "I Hope My Voice Don't Stay Like This Forever, Or It Might Make Things Alot More Interesting... Here's The Link To The Video If You Would Like To See It, Later And Thanks For Reading


Thursday, October 15, 2009

Original Stories by Ellyn Heald

Wednesday, November 22, 2000
With a content, filled stomach, which was once only the occupant of one "meal" a day, Eomyrleaned back in his chairwith his arms outstretched to the magnificent ceiling. Andrewis hadn't noticed that the ceiling he looked upon was painted with a crest of arms for the land of Sorbiette.
A drastically real-looking full moon was surrounded by a vine of roses around the perimeter. Twinkling stars were painted in on the royal blue background. A gold shooting star shot to the right of the moon, and on top of the magnificent mural, with his arms outstretched above the painting, was the portrait of Arathorn himself. In his recognizable dramatic robes, the painting was a complete masterpiece.
" What a splendid dinner, yes it was!" Arathorn began to cla and all around him an uproar of applause burst from the crowd. " But I'm afraid it's time for bed." With that Lords and Ladies, Advisors and Scribes slepily pushed back their chairs with a sigh of content. " Now Andrewis, about your quest. I didn't expect anything else to happen, but unfortunately at dinner tonight, I'm afraid I recieved a rather terrible report. " What? What happened? What is it your highness?" Questioned Eomyr. " Well you see, it is all like a story, and it's like this: Marvolor was once on our side, in fact he was Head Advisor, he and I were actually good friends... But on some nights you could hear cackling, or moaning traveling from his quarters. He was slowly being transformed to the Evil Force. What caused this was unknown, some force. He turned against us, fled to the palace to the forest to his evil deeds. He was later accused of murder in villages, kidnapping, and dark magic. But then, over time, he began to lose power. Except Marvolor would not stop evil. That was when, with the last of his power, he invented that demon mirror. Anyone who gazed upon it or held it in their hands, would get the soul of happiness and life sucked from them. The victims would then obey the Evil Force, or terrorize like Marvolor, the creator of the mirror. That was when Saruman, my good friend, retrieved it to me. It was a miracle he wasn't affected, even with that thick cloth wrapped around it. I promised to rid of it, so I smashed it with a mallet, and put the pieces in a sack, in a small cage, which was locked in the dungeon. 13 years had passed, and the mirror was almost forgotten , then, a fortnight ago, the contents were stolen. "Yes? And what happened then? What else happened?" Asked Eomyr. We knew the only way to steal it was by dark magic, because I threw the key into the moat. And what I just found out tonight was, someone in this palace, possibly lurking in the corridors at this very moment, could be a traitor, working for Marvolor, or Marvolor himself.
posted by Ellyn at 1:47 PM

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Crazy Phone Photo

I Was Texting This Girl At ShitFace's House The Other Day, And She Ain't Text Back In A Minute So I Went Snooping In The Photo's. Of His Mom's Phone, I Found This Picture Of My Friend's Brother Joe And Couldn't Believe My Eyes, I Heard That His Girl Told Him To Put It On And I Guess You Can See From The Photo He Did...I Don't Know What He Was Think Keeping The Pic In The Phone Knowing That I Love To Show Shit Like This On The Internet, He Doesn't Know I Saw This And Properly Don't Know What I'm Doing With It If He Ever Found Out I Put This On My Blog, It's Kinda Hard To Think And Write Looking At This Pic, Cause He Fills The Shirt Out, And Now We Can Say This Dude Got Boobs And This Photo Will Be Shared Around To Whoever...O And That Girl Never Text Me Back, O Well She Has A BoyFriend Anyway, But Back To The Subject Enjoy The Photo And Pass It Around...Later People

Saturday, September 5, 2009

While Looking For Some Green

I'll Admit I Was Helping My Homie Look For Bud.I Was Waiting At A Local Pizza Joint, I Saw Some People I Knew And A Bunch Of Drunks Next Door At The Bar, Waiting For The Dealer I Couldn't Help But Notice This Fine Ass Girl. She Never Noticed Me, Properly Didn't Know I Was Behind Her, After Smoking A Cigarette Outside I Notice A Bunch Of The Local Fucks Talking About Whoever Making His/Her Ear Ring. Still Waiting For The Dealer And I'm Still Stairing Down The Hot Chick That's Waiting On Her Food And Out Of Nowhere One Of The Guys From Outside Comes In Hugging Up On The Hot Stuff At The Counter,"I Knew It". A Women Like That Eats Guys Like Candy, I Kept My Head Down And Then Look Around To Seem Like I'm Minding My Business, And When I Ment Eyes With Him, It's Like He Was Mad For No Reason, Just Like Any Local Punk With A Attitude, I Keep Looking Around To Let Him Know I Don't Give A Rats Ass What He Thinks, Yea I Was Looking At His Girl I Was Looking Long And Looking Hard, His Girl Gets Her Food And Then They Leave...As They Were Making There Way To The Door He Slowy Turns His Head And Give's Me One Last Stair, I Just Smile And Laugh In My Head. I Was Waiting For Him To Hit Me,To See Him Sink To His Level, Couple Of Minutes Later The Dealer I Was Waiting For Shows Up And Get The Stuff. And Thats How It Ends...Another Day Goes By I Am Thinking Bout That Guy I Saw At The Pizza Shop...I Was Stairing At His Girl's Big O Ass, And I Don't Care...He Saw Me...I'm Only Human, But If He Knock'd My Head Off, It Would Have Been Clear He Was Intimidated By Me, Makes Me Feel Like King Shit, Atleast In At This Moment In Life...

Friday, August 7, 2009

When I Think About My Past Life It's Just...

Words,Letters,Excuses...Its seems to run in the same category most of the time...Sick of hearing words, that should be follow by Actions...Letters explain only the Facts and Awareness of the situation, and Never Say how there about to Solve the problem...Excuses Been around longer then me and most of my friends have been living, And still noBody Can come up with a good enough Excuse to Cover up a lie...But dont Let Me Bring u down...Enjoy what Life Gave u..."Im Just Glad I got a Head that thinks like this....Alrite...I...AM...OTTA...HERE?

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Abandoned House Fire!

More Pics Are Being SentMore Pics Are Being Sent

I Was In A Tent In A BackYard With Friends Smoking Some Weed It Was About 2a.m.,And Then Out Of Nowhere Some Burning Smell Just Fell The Backyard,Some Crazy Kids Set A Abandoned On Fire,Took The Fireman 2 Hours To Put Out The Flames.Noone Was Hurt

Thursday, May 7, 2009

This Wasn't FAKE! I Was Setup.

This Video Didn't Really Get The Views I Was Expected I Was Thinking Alot Of People Thought It Was Fake...It Was A Video I Never Posted Because My Sister Didn't Want Her Son On The Web, Understandable.But She Let Me Post The Video And I Think You Should Really Judge For Your Self And Tell Me What You Think...

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

My Vlog Story's On Youtube

Everyone Has Been Through Some Crazy Moments, And Thats Fine I Look At It As Another Way To Enjoy Living...But I Would Like To Share My Storys With Everyone, So I Came Up With A Chain Of Videos Call Vlog Storys, This Where I Tell The Most Embarrassing, Crazy, Hard To Believe Moments Of My Life. Some Of The Topics I Am Going To Do I Know You Most Won't Believe Some Of These Things, But They Didn't Happened To You So Enjoy Them And Laugh. I Couldn't Believe Some These Things That Happened To Me Are Real, To Find Out More Please Visit My Channel To See The Vlog Storys, I'm Telling You These Are 100% Real And Thanks For Reading My First Post

MisJif TV (Wed 8:00 p.m. ET)

CrazyInTheMix613- Broadcast your self LIVE